The next vEDS family conference takes place in May click here to book
Freephone 0800 917 8495. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm except bank holidays. You can also contact us online.
Join today, membership is free and lifelong. Benefits include free MedicAlert, VEDS information pack and access to resources.
Support groups are for those affected by vascular EDS i.e. parents, carers, friends, children, and partners. They are free to attend.
Are you prepared? We advise people with vascular EDS to prepare an emergency preparedness kit as a 'grab & go pack'.
We provide support for children with vEDS in nursery and schools across the UK.
The EDS National Diagnostic Service is a highly specialised service commissioned by NHS England.
When you join us, your membership includes a free MedicAlert subscription for the first 12 months.
Here are some things you might want to think about when you tell your child about vascular EDS.