The next vEDS family conference takes place in May click here to book
The second group of patients who are referred to us already knowing their diagnosis, such as Bill:
The final step of the patient pathway and usually the most important is what happens after the genetic clinic.
We always follow up with a written summary of the appointment so everyone knows the next steps. The genetic counsellor also checks in with the family to make sure the family are ok and if there is anything else we can help with. The clinics are busy and there are often questions raised after the appointment and we are here to answer them!
Follow up and support for vascular EDS
** Please note the EDS service is only open weekdays
Page last reviewed: July 2024
Sheffield Clinic
Meet our Sheffield team
London Clinic
Meet our London team
The EDS service provides people diagnosed with rare types of EDS with a wealth of information developed and written by Genetic Counsellors (GCs) and the consultants that includes genetic and practical information specific for each rare type of EDS and, where applicable, emergency resources, leaflets for schools, mental health and charity leaflets and signposting. GCs also work collaboratively with related charities, developing resources and educational materials and improving patient pathways to care.
A number of papers have been published and/or authored by healthcare professionals working in the EDS Service.
A unique collaborative model providing supportive and self-advocacy tools to the rare disease community
Juliette M. Harris, Jacqui Fish, Jared Griffin, Gemma Hasnaoui, Clare Stacey, Neeti Ghali, Fleur S. van Dijk.
Published 24 March, 2024.
Diagnosis and management of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: Experience of the UK national diagnostic service, Sheffield
Jessica M. Bowen, Monica Hernandez, Diana S. Johnson, Claire Green, Tammy Kammin, Duncan Baker, Sylvia Keigwin, Seiko Makino, Naomi Taylor, Oliver Watson, Nigel M. Wheeldon and Glenda J. Sobey.
Published 29 March, 2023.
An exemplary model of genetic counselling for highly specialised services
Juliette Harris, Marion Bartlett, Duncan Baker, Cheryl Berlin, Jessica Bowen, Carole Cummings, Christina Fallows, Claire Green, Jared Griffin, Kay Julier, Tammy Kammin, Ravinder Sehra, Clare Stacey, Jan Cobben, Neeti Ghali, Diana Johnson, Glenda Sobey, Fleur S van Dijk.
Published 9 March, 2023.