Welcome to the South West VEDS Support Group. This group and our meetings are led by volunteer regional coordinators Gemma & Taylor.
Dorset Region
Hello, I’m Gemma and I am delighted to be a regional coordinator for the Dorset region. I was diagnosed with vascular EDS (vEDS) in 2016 and joined Annabelle’s Challenge shortly afterwards. I’m currently working as a junior doctor training to become a GP.
I would love to be able to take advantage of my role as a doctor to help bridge the gap between vEDS patients and healthcare professionals. I can’t wait to meet other individuals touched by vEDS through the support groups and build new friendships.
Devon Region
Hi, my name is Taylor I am 28 and I have lived in Cornwall all my life. I’m currently taking some time out from studying medical science which is my passion. I love to bake and I love the beach.
I was diagnosed with vascular EDS in May 2012 and joined Annabelle's Challenge in July 2019.
I am delighted to be your regional coordinator for the Devon region.
Our regional face-to-face support groups are safe, confidential, relaxed meetings with lunch included!
Facilitated by our wonderful volunteer regional coordinators, all of whom have lived experience with vascular EDS either personally or in a caring role.
They offer a welcoming environment for you to meet others who are touched by vascular EDS. They provide a helpful way to share information, listen to each other’s experiences and together find ways of navigating the complexities of living with or caring for someone with vascular EDS.
Our support groups can help you build self-confidence, become more informed and this may lead to you becoming more in control of your life with vascular EDS. They help you feel you are not so alone including your loved ones.
How many vEDS members live in the South West?
Thank you for booking your place/s for the next support group. Any cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the support group taking place.
This support group also have a private Facebook group where you can get peer support from other members living in your region, please click here to request to join the group.